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Financial Information

Finance Committee

This committee is made up of sitting treasurer, treasurer-elect, one elected officer, and one appointed board member as well as three additional members. Ideally the seven-person committee is representative of each of the six districts.

Colin Seifrit, Treasurer


Click an image below to be re-directed to the pdf document.

Financial Guidelines

Approved 2021-2022 Budget


2024 Finance Ad Hoc Committee Updates


I hope this email finds you well and excited to begin another academic year! As we prepare for the NEACUHO’s 70th Annual Conference and our Business Meeting, we wanted to provide you with an update regarding the potential future of the Treasurer and Treasurer-elect position.

At the 2023 October Business Meeting, NEACUHO’s membership approved for the organization to pause on electing another Treasurer-elect and for the Executive Board (via a committee/task force) to explore this position and a long term strategy for managing our finances. Therefore the following motion was put forth to the Executive Board:

I move to create a Finance Ad Hoc Committee to be led by Colin Seifrit, Matt Foster, and Shelly Keniston. Through interviews with past presidents, treasures, and members of the finance committee and benchmarking data and best practices for no-profit organizations, this Ad Hoc Committee will make a recommendation to the membership regarding the treasurer and treasurer-elect positions and a long term strategy of managing the organization's finances.

Based on the many interviews and conversations completed by this Ad Hoc Committee, they recommended that the Executive Board seek to shorten the Treasurer term to 1-year and update their description, along with eliminating the Treasurer-elect position and replacing it with a non-voting Business Manager position. 

Colin, Matt, and Shelly would like to invite the membership to join them for a discussion about their work and to offer any feedback on these position changes. These meetings will take place on (1) Wednesday, September 11 at 4 p.m., (2) Friday, September 27 at 11 a.m., and (3) Tuesday, October 8 at 3 p.m. via Zoom. You can register for one of these three meetings here: Register for 2024 Finance Ad Hoc Committee Updates Zoom Meetings 

The plan is for this to be voted on at the October 2024 Business Meeting, which will be held during NEACUHO’s 70th Annual Conference - click here to register. We anticipate these changes to go into effect immediately. 

The anticipated position descriptions can be found below.

Finally, if these changes are approved at the Business Meeting, Dr. Tommy Tressler-Gelok, our current immediate Past-President, will be responsible for appointing, as one of his final duties, a Business Manager to step into the role at the beginning of the new operating year in October 2024. Therefore, if you are interested in applying for this position, pending the membership’s review and approval, and feel you would be best positioned to potentially support the organization through this effort, please email Tommy at for more information. 

Please let us know if you have any questions.



Antonio M. Willis-Berry (he/him/his)

President, NEACUHO - Northeast Association of College and University Housing Officers

Anticipated Position Descriptions

The Treasurer (ELECTED) shall

--Track all organizational transactions in accordance with established Financial Guidelines. 

--Distribute invoices, write checks, receive deposits and maintain an accurate and current financial log according to financial guidelines. 

--Maintain the established PO Box.

--Provide information and coordinate with the Business Manager on financial processes, as necessary.

--Co-Chair the Finance Committee as established in Financial Guidelines.

--Accept delegated responsibilities the President may assign.

Positional Qualifications:

--Experience managing money and budgeting, basic record keeping/tracking a budget.

--A professional who has been in the field of Residential Life for 5-7 years

Term Length: 1-year

The Business Manager (APPOINTED by outgoing Past President w/ approval from the board) shall:

--Maintain the Financial Guidelines and standardize reports and processes pertaining to the management and use of organizational funds.

--Co-Chair  the Finance Committee as established in Financial Guidelines.

--Provide a comprehensive written financial report at the annual business meeting.

--Conduct internal audits to produce and present quarterly reports at designated Executive Board meetings throughout the year.

--Coordinate an external audit process annually in accordance with Article IX, Section 2 of the Constitution and By-Laws and report results to the membership.

--Train the Treasurer on their role.

--File taxes on behalf of the organization annually.

--Oversee the budget request process for the Operating budget as well as the individual event sub-budgets.

--Handle/file paperwork associated with maintaining the 501c3.

Positional Qualifications:

--Extensive experience serving on the executive board of NEACUHO and/or be a Senior Level Professional, as defined in the Constitution & By-Laws

--Experience managing organizational finances and budgeting.

--Understand how to prepare and submit taxes for a non-profit organization.

--Understanding or experience with Financial Planning, preferably as it pertains to a non-profit organization. 

Term Length: 1-year

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